Tiny Things, River Legacy Park

Just a few minutes north of the bustling entertainment center that claims the Cowboys Stadium, the Rangers Stadium and Six Flag over Texas, River Legacy Park is a tranquil cubbyhole in a busy city.  I was fortunate to live just a block from this gem.  I've spent most of my life in a relatively low-key town just south of Fort Worth, and though I really enjoyed the convenience of a larger city, it was nice to escape once in a while.
Tucked off-trail I found a shallow stream behind the thick brush.  Here, the sounds of children playing at the nearby playground disappeared, making room for birdsong and wind whistling through the trees.
 The day I captured these images, it was still early spring and the plant life was still pretty barren.  I realized, though, that some of the tiniest objects here, were also the most interesting.
 This trickling stream was shallow, but it was also at the bottom of a deep ravine.  The banks were super steep, and this made for a precarious shooting environment. There was no good place to stand with any real balance.  Falling in this chilly water wasn't my idea of a good time, especially not while holding my precious camera!
Using my macro lens and a tripod, I made the most of the situation.  The amazing textures and vibrant colors were too beautiful to pass up.  I'm sure I looked like I was playing solo Twister at the bottom of a ditch.  Left foot here, right foot way over there, resting my elbow on that... Yes, very graceful.  Mom would be proud.
And, who knew fungus was so gorgeous?!  I know rotten wood isn't so fascinating, but these were almost as beautiful as petaled flowers.  They are for sure, under appreciated. 

In the pursuit of photograph making, someone doesn't have to visit exotic, far away lands.  Although that is a fabulous idea, who can do that often enough to meet the needs of artistic passion?  Not this girl.  Sometimes just crossing the street to the neighborhood park can be a getaway from the stress and noise of everyday life. A few minutes of solitude is good for the spirit.

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